(I put this text up with the extra pictures at the bottom the day that I posted the other pictures, I thought I had lost it all in a thunderstorm, but today I found it once again.)
Last year we spent the 4th of July at the Capital of our Nation this year we decided to spend it in a more appropriate location and go to the Birthplace of our Nation, Philadelphia. You can't get more appropriate than that. We like to be Patriotic and celebrate in the biggest way possible. Next year we will have a hard time finding a better place.
On Friday, I worked diligently to get the house cleaned and packed to get on the road. Wade came home a little early and helped me with a few last minute things. Then we got in the car and drove. We no longer have cell phones or a GPS; however, we thought that we'd been to NJ enough times to find our way easily. Unfortunately, we always manage to find our way into Downtown Camden (The top Crime area of the Country) at night time. We got back on the freeway and decided to get off the next exit. Instead we found ourselves in the suburbs of Camden which was worst that Downtown. We somehow got out with our lives still intact. Finally we found our way to my brother's house and got to enjoy some time with them before we crashed into sleep.
Saturday: Let the Festivities Begin!
The next morning, we went a visited Uncle Bob and got to eat the famous Panzorati's that is tradition to get when we are in NJ.
Afterwards, we hung out in Tom and Roxanne's backyard while the girls swam and played on the slides. Aubrey loved playing whit Jadyn and Kaya especially because they treated her like a little princess.
When it started to get dark, it was time to head over to Maple Shade, NJ and watch their firework show. The girls loved the show and cheered the whole time. They would pretend to catch them and put them in their pockets.
These girls became good friends quickly.
Of course, Mom and Dad haven't been home since Molly has graduated highschool and were already in NJ when we got there. They too enjoyed the fireworks with us.
I absolutely love the shirts (above) that Jadyn and Kaya made for Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma's was especially funny as it appeared that she was "felt up" by a man with freakishly small hands. It killed me every time I looked at her!
All of us enjoying the show!
Tom, Rox, and the Girls enjoying the show!
She had pure delight in her eyes as she watched the fireworks. One thing that we have learned about Aubrey is that she loves loud noises and bright lights!
Sunday: Beach DayAfter church, we got our swimsuits on and headed for the shore. We love Ocean City, NJ. and always have to make room for it on each trip. The girls had a blast with each other!
MONDAY: 4th of July if Philadelphia Unfortunately we missed the parade, because we came into town on the wrong end. However, we enjoyed all the fun that was going on at "Party on the Parkway." There was lots of free drinks, prizes and fun.
Tough man contest
Wade proved to be the toughest man of all, as he showed Marines how may pull up he could do. He go a free hat for doing so many.
We enjoyed listening to a band rock out as Aubrey danced along. She was so patriotic the whole day as she held on to her little American flags.
In the kids section, there was lots of free games, activities, and face painting. Aubrey got her face painted for the first time ever and absolutely loved it.
Later in the car, she wiped her face with her hand and started crying, "blood, blood, mommy, I'm bleeding!" as she had forgotten all about her face being painted when she saw the red on her hands.
They also had a free craft section, and she got to make her own red, white, and blue beaded necklace.
The had lots of inflatable jump and slide toys, but those are usually to big for Aubrey when she has to battle other big kids. However, they had a nice small blow up playground just for kids under 3. She definitely handled herself just fine.
Afterwards, we had to say goodbye to Uncle Bob one last time before we headed home to WV. On the way home, we were able to watch more fireworks in Cumberland, MD. We sure had a wonderful 4th of July and hope you all did too!