leaves falling

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Last night, Wade and I celebrated the weekend by attending the Spirit Week Rodeo! We had a blast as we watched everyone fall off within a matter of milisecond. We especially enjoyed watching the little kids, ages 3-8yrs, ride sheep in the Mutton Bustin'. Some of them did really good! However, I had the most fun watching Wade get bucked off a steer! Sorry that the video is a little shakey, I had a hard time finding where he was. I am even more sorry about how short it is... but that's not my fault... I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Finally... What You've Been Waiting For!!!

We finally got to see our little "Bundle of Joy" in the form of a little person! We spent every day of the last month marking off the calendar in anticipation. We debated back and forth whether it would be a boy or a girl... Just as I thought it was a girl, Wade would insist that it was a boy then visa-versa. We were tired of referring to our child as "it." Now we can finally say SHE! That's right that beautiful baby is a GIRL!!! Yay... for bows, ribbons, pinks, and flowers! Even though Wade was a little disappointed that we couldn't buy that cute boy outfit with CARS and WRENCHES... he was thrilled when he saw the DRESSES and RUFFLE BUTTS. We are now looking forward to meeting this little princess in person and hold her in our arms.

This first one may appear a little scary but, that is our angel with the confidence and personality of her mommy and daddy saying, "I'm number one!" I'm not sure if she's referring to numerical order or her status and superiority... (We think it's the latter one.)
Proof that there is going to be extra "Girl Power" in the Christensen home! That little arrow pointing to the hamburger is in fact her girly parts! She's beating Miley Sirus with scandalous photos posted online already! Daddy's going to have a serious talk with her when she gets here.

This photo displays her beautiful and healthy spine.... proof that mommy's already taking wonderful care of her! Props to Me ;)
We would have to say that this is one of our all time favorites! In this photo she is sucking her thumb and crossing her legs... how could not just love this?!?! She is certainly making it difficult to wait for her, being all cute like that... little tease!

This is a picture of the tiny toes that Daddy will be counting carefully in a few months and Mommy will be tickling!
This is one of the most beautiful profile shots of (name is TBA)! We are so excited, especially for her to play with all her little cousins that are going to be just her age! She may have to be a bit of a tomboy to keep up with all the little rascals. GOOD LUCK to everyone else who is patiently waiting too!

Disclaimer: (I hope you enjoy this post because the next one may not come for a while... sorry school is very consuming... lol.. we have no excuses!)