Halloween.... Still Waiting on Baby Liam!
Aubrey got her "Very 1st Very Own" pumpkin at the Pumpkin patch we love to go to each year!
The rest of us went with a different theme. Me: Queen Bee , Aubrey: Bumble Bee Princess, Daddy: The Bee Keeper or "Honey Man"
We attended several community Halloween parties and enjoyed every moment of it.... Aubrey was a pro trick-or-treater and mastered the song "Trick-or-Treat smell my feet give me something good to eat, if you don't I don't care, I pull down your underwear!" She said this to about 1/2 of the houses.
LIAM'S BirthStory
Because Aubrey came 6 days early when she was born, I just expected that Liam would come just as early or even sooner. I was becoming very anxious and unfortunately, I confused that with a "Mother's Intuition." Therefore, leading myself to major disappointment. I began walking every day and night. Then that walking turned into a pathetic jog every night, mixed with other "Labor Inducing Activities." One Sunday, after much work, I was sure this was "It!" I began going down the line of calling my Mom and all my sisters; saying, "I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure so be on standby." Then after the contractions subsided, I had to make that depressing call back saying, "don't worry, you can go to bed... nothing's going to happen." My doctor is big on offering inductions at 39 weeks if wanted. I told him that we'd schedule one for 11-4-11, but I probably wouldn't take it because I'd go naturally on my own or I'd just wait till my due date.... Well, 11-4-11 came and this desperate, anxious Mom packed her bags an hour before she was suppose to arrive for the induction and made it to the hospital at 5:30am.
We attended several community Halloween parties and enjoyed every moment of it.... Aubrey was a pro trick-or-treater and mastered the song "Trick-or-Treat smell my feet give me something good to eat, if you don't I don't care, I pull down your underwear!" She said this to about 1/2 of the houses.
LIAM'S BirthStory
Because Aubrey came 6 days early when she was born, I just expected that Liam would come just as early or even sooner. I was becoming very anxious and unfortunately, I confused that with a "Mother's Intuition." Therefore, leading myself to major disappointment. I began walking every day and night. Then that walking turned into a pathetic jog every night, mixed with other "Labor Inducing Activities." One Sunday, after much work, I was sure this was "It!" I began going down the line of calling my Mom and all my sisters; saying, "I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure so be on standby." Then after the contractions subsided, I had to make that depressing call back saying, "don't worry, you can go to bed... nothing's going to happen." My doctor is big on offering inductions at 39 weeks if wanted. I told him that we'd schedule one for 11-4-11, but I probably wouldn't take it because I'd go naturally on my own or I'd just wait till my due date.... Well, 11-4-11 came and this desperate, anxious Mom packed her bags an hour before she was suppose to arrive for the induction and made it to the hospital at 5:30am.
Liam Cade Christensen weighed 6lbs. 14oz. and 20" long. He had dark hair with side chops that extended to his jaw and tiny little ears. He was perfect.
They only let the baby stay with Mommy and Daddy for about 1hour until they take him to get warmed up in the nursery. In that time he nursed awesomely for almost the whole hour, but then everyone got to hold him for a few minutes.
When Aubrey first saw her brother she was... In LOVE! Her first words were, "I love him... I love him... Can we take him home?" She is an amazing Big Sister! They soon whisked him away to the nursery. He had difficulty getting his body temperature back so he didn't get to come back with us for 5 hours. This was a little disappointing, but I must say the break was a little nice so I could get a little rest. We walked down to the nursery to see him after a couple hours and made it clear to them that we wanted to be a part of his first bath and the nurse agreed to come get us before hand. Well... after the 5 hours they came rolling him in all clean and clothed. I was a little upset about this as well, but we've already had too many baths at home to count to make up for the 1st.
Liam all clean and warm.
Wearing his first pair of Jammies.
Our first Family Cuddle session ended with everyone falling asleep in my bed. After they all fell asleep and I took the pictures, we put Liam back in his bed and I joined in on a nice, long nap.
We got lots of awesome visitors including family and friends!
Aubrey even got a visitor her own age. She shared her new Princess shoes that Liam gave to his Big Sister.
After 48 hours we were getting pretty bored and decided it was time to get home to Aubrey and start having fun!
All cute in his going home outfit!
Trying out his new carseat! He looked so tiny in it, now looking back, this really gives me an idea of how much he has grown already!
Rolling out to the car in front of the Hospital.
3 days Old and taking our 1st walk!

Aubrey's regressed just a bit... We have to swaddle her, binkytize her and rock her in the bassinet to get her to sleep... No Big Deal... jk.... she was just being her silly little self.
I'm still behind on all my postings, but at least I have his Birth Story recorded now. I am excited to share our Thanksgiving and Christmas adventures with you in the coming days. This post was just getting too long and there is so much we've already done since Liam's arrival.... Life is Grand!
When Aubrey first saw her brother she was... In LOVE! Her first words were, "I love him... I love him... Can we take him home?" She is an amazing Big Sister! They soon whisked him away to the nursery. He had difficulty getting his body temperature back so he didn't get to come back with us for 5 hours. This was a little disappointing, but I must say the break was a little nice so I could get a little rest. We walked down to the nursery to see him after a couple hours and made it clear to them that we wanted to be a part of his first bath and the nurse agreed to come get us before hand. Well... after the 5 hours they came rolling him in all clean and clothed. I was a little upset about this as well, but we've already had too many baths at home to count to make up for the 1st.
After 48 hours we were getting pretty bored and decided it was time to get home to Aubrey and start having fun!
3 days Old and taking our 1st walk!
I'm still behind on all my postings, but at least I have his Birth Story recorded now. I am excited to share our Thanksgiving and Christmas adventures with you in the coming days. This post was just getting too long and there is so much we've already done since Liam's arrival.... Life is Grand!