leaves falling

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hookie Bobbin'

Hookie Bobbin'
The other morning, we woke up to several inches of snow on the ground. At first, this was somewhat discouraging because we are getting tired of the snow; however, we decided to make the best of it. We borrowed a few sleds, a tow rope, called up some friends, and headed out to find some unplowed roads. After a few minutes of driving we found the most ideal location in town. It was a newly built park that had several roads circling it and park lights that illuminated our path. It was perfect, noone was around except us and the snow. We spent 1 to 2 hours pulling each other around behind our truck. It was probably the most fun we have had in a long time. We can't wait until it snows so we can go again. Our friends Brittney and Jason came with us and fortunately Brittney took several pictures. We have some videos too but I had trouble downloading them; hopefully, they will come in the near future.

Some of you may wonder, "What do they do with Aubrey when they do crazy stuff like this?" Well, the answer is simple, We take her with us. Our family motto has always been to never let anything slow us down, just find creative things to do that can include our children too.

Wade and Jason had so much fun. The two of them laughed so hard the entire time. At times it we could hardly see the people we were pulling because of all the snow that that we were being plowed through.

Wade brought his snowboard with him so he could practice "wake boarding" for this summer!

Katie and Jason being pulled by the car.

"It's all fun and games until....

..... someone looses a glove-- or should I say a body!"

Wade and Jason began plotting their next "hookie bobbin'" adventure before we even left.

Unfortunately, Brittney was behind the camera in all the shots; however, she and I had a blast double hookie bobbin' together. I hope you all enjoyed the pictures. Stay tuned for more Crazy Christensen Adventures!


Jason and Brittney said...

Thanks for recognizing me! It was a blast! We so need to do it again! I also still can't believe how white Wade's coat got ha ha!

painty (Melinda) said...

That looks so fun! I haven't done any hookie bobbin' for years.